Scent in the garden - Spring

Second in a series of posts about scent, following on from winter scent in the garden. There’s lots to look forward to in spring, and an abundance of scented flowers add to the joy.


Wallflowers (Erysimum cheiri)

Sweet smelling and floriferous, wallflowers are a must in the spring garden. Easy to grow and rewarding, they start flowering in April and are a good source of nectar in early spring. 

Narcissus ‘Avalanche’

One of the strongest scented narcissus. Each stem has several small white flower heads with delicate yellow centres. The small fills a room when cut and brought inside. 


Burkwood Viburnum (Viburnum x burkwoodii)

Clusters of incredibly fragranced flowers in April and May. Plant next to where you frequently walk past or an entrance.


Leaf-cutter bee


Pond - part 2