RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2025
Another lovely hour doing nothing but watching the birds in the garden.

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch
I take part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch at the end of January each year. This year I delighted to count more birds than the previous two years.

Winter jobs
Just because the temperature drops and the days grow shorter, it doesn't mean that there's nothing to do in the garden. In fact, winter is the perfect time to take care of wildlife and get a head start on spring cleaning. Here are some tips and tricks to keep your garden thriving during the winter months.

Feed the birds
Winter can be a tough time for birds as food sources become scarce. However, by providing a diverse selection of food in your garden, you can attract a variety of bird species and help them survive the colder months.

Sustainable gardening
Sustainable gardening is the concept of using gardening practices that cause no harm to the earth or its inhabitants. It involves putting nature at the heart of your gardening practices and methods. A sustainable garden is one that gives back to nature. Going peat-free is the obvious starting point. But there is much more you can do.

Top plants for bees in June
Here’s the top plants the bees are enjoying in my garden in June.

Alternatives to a lawn
Lawns don’t need to be grass. There are lots of wildlife friendly, low growing, low maintenance plants that will tolerate a bit of foot traffic. What you choose will depend on the light levels and soil conditions.

Leaf-cutter bee
Leaf cutter bees are solitary bees that use a variety of leaves to line their nests. Dark brown covered in lighter browny orange hairs and about the size of a honey bee.

Scent in the garden - Spring
Second in a series of posts about scent. There’s lots to look forward to in spring, and an abundance of scented flowers add to the joy.

Pond - part 2
Second instalment of the pond creation. The pond liner is added, filled with water and surrounded with stones and logs.

Plants for pollinators and ground cover
My favourite plants for attracting pollinators and covering the ground in a forest garden.

Perennial vegetables
There are so many wonderful perennial vegetable plants to choose from. Here is what I have planted so far.

Plant profile: Perennial Kale ‘Taunton Deane’
Taunton Deane is an old variety of perennial kale that lives for many years and supplies tasty greens all year round.

A day at Buttercup Meadow
I spent a good day working at Buttercup Meadow. A field gradually turning into an organic, ecological, biodiverse, multi-habitat, community education and event space in Northumberland.

Design for a perennial veg raised bed
Design and plant list for a perennial vegetable raised bed.

Trees for wildlife
Trees provide shelter and food for a variety of wildlife. Here are my favourites.