Scent in the garden - Winter

I LOVE scented plants. I will often stop while out walking to smell a rose or honeysuckle peeking over the top of a garden wall. Winter is an especially good time for scented shrubs. I have two in my front garden which is the area frequented most in the winter months. :

Sweet box (Sarcococca confusa) Small creamy white flowers hidden among the small leaves. I have one outside my front door and love the waves of scent as I come home.

Viburnum (Viburnum x bodnantense) There is one in a garden down the street from me that is large and the flowers are at perfect nose height! Mine is a bit smaller but will hopefully soon be large enough that I will be able to smell it over the garden wall as I walk past. 

Sweet box

Small white flowers of Sweet Box have a beautiful scent.


Keeping your fingers warm and toasty


Plants to extend the season: Late season colour and food for insects